Douglas Bader Park

Find out why we're investing in a new future for Douglas Bader Park.

Decanting is the word we use to describe moving residents from one home to another.

To build new homes on the estate, some households may need to move twice. First into a temporary home. This could be an empty home on the existing estate (although limited) or a private rented home in the borough. Then into your newly built home.

A temporary move is required so we can demolish the old homes and start building the new ones. We understand this may be a difficult time for you. We are here to help and support you throughout the moving process.

We aim to provide you with a move date with up to four weeks’ notice. For residents who want a move date sooner than four weeks, we will speak to the letting agent and let you know if the property is ready to move into.

We appreciate your patience and support for the regeneration so far. If you have any questions or concerns, please remember our dedicated regeneration team is here to support you.

Your permanent move away from Douglas Bader Park

We have supported over 40 households to move away, permanently, since September 2019, into either a Home Group property or through another housing provider.

Where residents have expressed an interest for a permanent move this can take time. We try our best to find suitable permanent homes. But it is dependent on the availability of homes meeting your household needs, and whether we have stock in your preferred area.

While we look for your permanent home, you may need to move to a temporary home first until your permanent home can be found.

We will keep you updated while we search for a home, and keep you informed on timescales. If you have any questions or would now like to remain on the new development, please email the team at

Phase one: 1 - 27 North Green and 52 - 64 Linklea Close

For residents living in phase one the temporary move programme began in January 2022.

All households were moved by September 2022 into their temporary home on, or off, the estate. They will remain in their temporary homes until their new homes are built. We will continue to update residents about their new homes as building progresses.

Phase two: 1 - 9 South Green, 1 - 36 Parklea Close, 1 - 21 Larch Green, 1 - 36 Brooklea Close and 19 - 21 Willow Green

To build the new homes in this phase, we need to temporarily move all households living in phase two before Spring 2024 (at present).

Sixty-five households will move temporarily. We are starting the search for homes now to give us good time to plan for each move.

We met with or spoke to, all affected residents between January and February 2023 to discuss next steps and how we will find them a temporary home.

Phase three: 1 – 18 Willow Green, 1 – 36 Highlea Close, 1 – 21 Birch Green and 1 – 51 Linklea Close

We will contact residents living in this phase over the course of the programme.

If we have temporary homes available, we will consider moving residents sooner. Priority is given to residents with medical needs or living in overcrowded homes.

New home offers

In May 2019, we made offers to move into the new homes on the regenerated estate.

We based offers on information gathered during our engagement work. This included residents' completed housing verification forms. This form gave us information that helped us assess each household's needs.

Since then, there may have been changes to your household, such as:

  • New family members
  • A change in your medical situation
  • A need to split your household

If this sounds like you, let our regeneration team know. We can talk you through your options. We might be able to offer you a suitable home (if one is available and it meets our allocation policy).

Your original offer will remain until we can find you a home based on your updated household needs (if possible).

Customer and colleagues discussing new regeneration project

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