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Douglas Bader Park
Find out why we're investing in a new future for Douglas Bader Park.
The development
Information about the development, why it's needed and how it affects you.
What are the aims of the Douglas Bader Park regeneration?
We know that the existing homes are poorly designed with inadequate space standards. This has led to maintenance challenges, inadequate parking and anti-social behaviour. We also know that there is a strong community of residents who want better quality homes. We aim to redevelop the estate and replace the existing properties with new, modern homes, as well as build additional homes.
We are committed to providing homes residents want to live in and wish to ensure that all residents have quality homes that promote social cohesion, wellbeing, and self-dependence.
How many new homes will be provided?
We will provide 753 new homes which include a new home offer for all existing residents wishing to stay. Currently there are 271 homes.
Will everyone currently living at Douglas Bader Park be guaranteed a new home?
Yes. All Home Group residents who would like to stay at Douglas Bader Park are guaranteed a new home.
Will my existing tenancy be protected?
Yes, tenancy rights will not change.
What will current residents gain from the regeneration?
Residents will gain:
- New, modern and larger homes. Most of the homes are currently below London plan standards for their bedroom sizes
- A range of choices for your new home including kitchens and kitchen flooring, bathroom flooring and carpets
- Cheaper running costs through energy-efficient design
- More useable green spaces and open spaces
- 386 parking spaces, which includes 180 parking spaces for Home Group residents and 74 disabled bays across the three phases.
- A private balcony or garden
- Increased security and a reduction in anti-social behaviour through intelligent design
Will my rent stay the same?
If your new home has the same number of bedrooms as your current home, your rental terms will increase with inflation. If your new home has more or fewer bedrooms, this will affect the rent you pay.
You can speak to your housing manager about your new home rent nearer the time of your new home being completed.
How involved will Home Group be with their residents at Douglas Bader Park?
We are committed to working with residents in several different ways to give you the chance to get involved in the planning and design of the new homes and the wider estate. This has included:
- Information sessions
- Design workshops
- Group workshops and discussions
- Regeneration drop-ins
- Regeneration coffee mornings
- Door knocks
- Feedback forms
As we move forward in our engagement, we will undertake one-to-one meetings with all households phase by phase. This will give us a full understanding of
- Any changes to household need
- Your family requirements
- Medical and mobility needs as we move through each of the build phases
How long will the regeneration build programme take?
We have now revised the detail of the build programme with three distinct phases. The indicative timeframe is 10 years to complete all aspects of building the new homes at present (for all tenures) and greenspaces is by 2031.
We will let you know if anything changes and will continue to update you throughout the programme with quarterly newsletters, letters, one-to-one meetings and updates on this website.
As the programme progresses we will confirm when you need to move. This will be done with resident meetings on a phase-by-phase basis.
Will there be any retail/commercial units as part of the new development?
No, the new development will not include any retail/commercial units.
Will there be any public space and, if so, when will it be provided?
Yes, we have held several workshops with residents to help shape our proposals to include:
- A safer, more secure estate
- Enhanced green and open areas
- An upgrade to the green space to the west of the estate
Will there be any changes to the car parking? How many spaces will be re-provided?
We will be governed by planning policy on car parking and Barnet Council are keen to provide parking where necessary. We have planned for 386 parking spaces, which includes 180 parking spaces for Home Group residents and 74 disabled bays across the three phases.
Information about the new homes
Lots of useful information so you'll understand what your new property will be like.
Will my new property be like for like?
No. We issued all residents their new home offer in the new development through the ballot process, which took place in May 2019. This is based on housing need, so it might be different to the home you live in now.
Since your offer, there may have been changes to your household, such as:
- new family members
- a change in your medical situation
- a need to split your household
If this sounds like you, let our regeneration team know. We can talk you through your options. We might be able to offer you a suitable home (if one is available and it meets our allocation policy).
We will not be able to facilitate your request immediately, so please let us know of any changes as soon as you can.
Your original offer will remain until we can find you a home based on your updated household needs (if possible).
Will the new properties all be flats?
No. We shall be providing a mixture of houses, flats and maisonettes
Will new houses have gardens?
As part of planning policy, we must provide a certain amount of amenity space for each new home. This is dependent on the size and type of the new home but will be a garden, terrace or balcony.
Will I have to move temporarily so the new homes can be built?
The majority of residents will need to move into temporary homes so we can build the new homes.
There are limited empty homes on the estate. This means most residents must move into temporary homes off-site. These could be private rented homes within the surrounding borough or another Home Group home.
We work with trusted landlords and letting agents to find suitable homes that meet your household and location needs.
How many times will I need to move temporarily?
We know moving can be stressful, so we aim to minimise the impact of the number of moves.
Some households may need to move twice so we can build new homes. First, into a temporary home. This could be an empty home on the existing estate (although limited) or a private rented home in the borough. Then, into your newly built home.
A small number of households may need to move three times depending on what phase their new home is in. We will let you know who these households are as the building progresses.
We will give you the information you need, like details of support available and timescales to move, nearer the time of the phased demolition.
Will I be able to personalise my new home?
Yes. We aim to provide residents with the opportunity to choose kitchen and flooring (carpet and vinyl for bathroom and kitchens) from a range of choices. More information about this will be shared on a phase-by-phase basis as building of the new homes progress.
Am I able to move to another borough/district and at what point can this happen?
Where residents have expressed an interest for a permanent move, we’ve explained this can take some time. Whilst we’ll try our best to find you a suitable permanent home this will be dependent on the availability of homes that meets your household need and whether Home Group has stock in your preferred area.
Whilst we will continue to look for a permanent home for you, you may need to move to a temporary home first until your permanent home can be found. We’ll continue to communicate with you about the search for your permanent home and the timescales involved.
Will the new homes be bigger than our current properties?
All new homes will be in line with latest space standards. At present only two properties on the estate meet the current space standards set out in planning policy.
I have pets, will I be able to take them to my new home?
Yes, Home Group's pet policy permits up to two pets. If you have more than two pets please contact your housing manager on 0345 141 4663.
I have spent money on my flat/home over the past few years. Will I be compensated?
Payment includes home loss, governed in law independently of Home Group by the Land Compensation Act 1975, and the amount payable is fixed by statute. Since October 2023, the amount payable is currently £7,800, less any arrears on your rent account and is payable to the main tenant after a move.
Will I be given money to help me with my move?
Yes. In addition, the main tenant will be entitled to disturbance payments for each move. This reflects the reasonable costs and losses associated with the upheaval of moving due to the regeneration, whether moving permanently away from the estate, temporarily or into your newly built home.
A paid invoice or receipt must be provided to the regeneration team after your move to claim for the disturbance payments.
Below outlines what you can be reimbursed for:
- Removal costs, including supply of boxes and tape
If your move is arranged by Home Group we will pay the removal company direct.
We understand that you may want to artrange your own move. If so, just let us know. We need you to obtain three quotes. Once we confirm who you should book with, we will reimburse you for the cost of your move with a paid invoice or receipt.
- Redirection of mail (up to six months for each member of the household).
- Disconnection and reconnection of white good appliances. Residents are responsible for arranging an approved contractor.
- Telephone reconnection (where there is a reconnection charge by the service provider)
- Sky/cable reconnection (where there is a reconnection charge by the service provider)
- Reimbursement for one day off work (if the main tenant is unable to take time off work on the moving day). A letter will be required from your employer confirming the rate of pay for reimbursement
What is the internal square meterage of my current home?
Approximately the following applies:
- Bedsit = 30.2sqm
- One bed flat (2 person) flat = 45sqm
- Two bed flat (3 person) = 55sqm
- Three bed flat (4 person) = 60sqm
- Two bed houses(4 person) = 64sqm
- Three bed houses(5 person) = 70sqm
- Four bed houses (7 person) = 72sqm
Works, accessing and car parking
Keeping up to date with the project and construction.
How can I learn about the project progress?
We will keep you updated through letters, phone calls, email if you prefer, face to face meetings, drop-in sessions , and here on our website.
Will I be living on a building site?
Working with Hill, our partners, we will make every effort to ensure those who remain on the estate are kept safe and secure, away from the building work where possible.
Will access be retained during construction?
Yes, there will always be safe routes through and around the estate where possible once construction starts.
Are roads in the vicinity likely to be affected during the construction? Are there any closures/diversions planned?
There will be construction vehicles on the site once we start construction. You will be kept informed throughout the programme if there will be any road closures.
Will I lose my current car parking space?
This is possible, but every effort will be made to ensure you have space to park your car throughout the construction programme.
Future consultations
How we help residents stay up-to-date and consulted.
Will there be more consultations and sessions organised by Home Group and how will I be notified about them?
Yes, as we progress with the building of new homes on a phase-by-phase we’ll meet with residents in each phase. Information will be issued by letter or invitation and here on the website when we have any planned events. Let us know if you prefer to be notified by email.
What happened after the first information session?
The ideas and views collated since May 2017 were discussed with Planning Officers at Barnet Council and we have continued to provide feedback to all customers with an opportunity for involvement from customers that have not had a chance to get involved.
What consultation events have you held so far?
We have held a number of information sessions, drop-in events, design workshops, coffee mornings, site visits to other developments, one-to-one meetings with the regeneration team.
Will my views/comments be taken into consideration?
Yes, this is why we have held a number of information and engagement sessions since 2017. At the design workshops no designs were provided as we wanted to ensure we involve our residents from the beginning.
Is there a residents' group for Douglas Bader Park?
Yes, we have a Residents' Association. If you would like to find out more, please get in touch with sonia.watson@homegroup.org.uk