|5 minutes read
"I firmly believe in focusing on the positives..."

Mahita Krishnan (She/her)
Follow how Mahita was born in Chennai, Southern India and is now a management account and valued member of the team at Home Group.
Mahita, in her 40s, is a management account in the finance team at Home Group
I am from Chennai, Southern India. I came to the UK with my husband in 1997.
I started my career with a part-time job teaching computer studies in a college in Lincolnshire within a month of coming to the UK.
I have worked at Home Group for over 10 years and met some lovely people who support, encourage and look out for me. I value the flexibility that Home Group offers, the ability to work from home, and being able to take an additional week of holiday when I travel to India to visit my family.
I am proud to be able to support my husband in his important work as a consultant orthopaedic surgeon which requires flexibility; this work-life balance is one of the main reasons I love working for Home Group.
Our two children were born in the UK and when they got British passports, we decided to apply for ours too. I found the citizenship test really interesting! I took an oath in front of the mayor of Newcastle then went back to work and celebrated with my team as a British Indian.
Whilst we have experienced some discrimination in the UK, our overall experience has been a positive one. Although being asked "why are you still here" or "are you a legal immigrant" is offensive, I just tell them this is my home and move on. I don't forget the hurtful comments, but I do forgive them for their ignorance. I firmly believe in focusing on the positives and not dwell on the negative views that a small minority shares. In general, people are welcoming, supportive and inclusive.
I come from a big family and that is what I miss the most. I miss the big events, weddings and milestone celebrations. I feel happier and safer in Newcastle s much as I would in Chennai.
Home Group's focus on equality, diversity and inclusion has shaped an amazing culture of acceptance, allowing us space to share our stories and talk about differences in positive ways.