Cleator Moor
We believe that regeneration could make a real difference to our customers by providing quality homes, promoting social cohesion, wellbeing and self-dependence. We’re committed to working with customers, local communities and stakeholders to make sure these proposals meet customer and community needs.
Davina Imbuldeniya (Senior regeneration manager - engagement) will be leading on the consultation and engagement process as well as planning the overall decant programme.
Brian Patterson (Senior regeneration development and delivery manager) works alongside Bradley, leading the planning, design and on site works process.
Bradley Collins (Regeneration development and delivery manager) is involved in the day to day project management of the scheme and coordinates our project and design teams during the development stages, working closely with them to evolve the regeneration plan for Cleator Moor. Bradley is also responsible for managing the on-site works alongside our selected contractors.
Shelley Courty (Regeneration officer) is the main point of contact for customer queries about the regeneration and will be undertaking all one-to-one appointments with households as we move forward with any proposals. Shelley's experience lies in supporting customers and delivering move programmes, making sure all residents get support and information throughout the engagement process.