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Helping us to understand your needs
Letting us know you have cultural, religious or other needs means we're able to take your needs into account the next time you contact us.
We want to make sure that when we contact or visit you, we do it in a way that's right for you
We can do things differently for you if you tell us what you need.
For example, if mobility is a bit tricky, we'll make sure to give you extra time to answer the door. Or if you don't want a lone male or female visitor, we won't come alone.
It's helpful for us to know if you, or someone in your household:
Has mobility issues
- Is hard of hearing
Has a disability
Has a mental health illness
Has a learning disability
- Is socially isolated
Can not read or write
Does not speak English as their first language
Wants us to remove our shoes when entering their home
These are some examples. If there's something not included that would help, please also let us know.
Fill in the form below, and we'll update your contact details with the information. This way, we'll be well-prepared the next time you contact us.
Please note: this new information won't be included in any requests you have already logged. For instance, our repair team might not be aware of a need while handling an existing repair.
Letting us know your cultural, religious or other needs
Complete the online form so we're able to take your needs into account the next time you contact us.
Do you need specialist help?
We might have a service that can help you. We offer different levels of specialist support across health, social care, and housing services to thousands of customers every year.
Extra help from your energy provider
The Priority Services Register is a free support service to help people in vulnerable situations. It could provide extra help, like large print bills, or more support during a power cut.