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How getting online helped my loneliness

Freda Web

Written by Freda, Home Group customer

I’m Freda. I am supported by Home Group’s Durham learning disabilities floating support service. This is how Covid affected me and how I learned new skills to help overcome my loneliness.

I was lonely during the lockdowns. I couldn’t get to church where I normally go; it is a big part of my life so I was missing it.

My support worker suggested some training sessions to help me get set up on Zoom, Facebook and email. It sounded great and I told my support worker that I would like to take part.

They also told me about some more support from Home Group called "digital inclusion". They explained they could get me a tablet computer so that I could join Zoom meetings with the church. I’ve also used it to read; it’s been great.

Where I am now

I’ve finished my training. I am now able to join church meetings by Zoom, I also have email and Facebook. It's brilliant and I don't feel so lonely now.

With support from Home Group, I am:

  • Looking after my home
  • Getting support to report repairs
  • Liaising with my landlord
  • Ensuring my gas safety checks up to date

I am happy with how it is going, and my repairs are completed.

I get support and guidance to keep my personal details safe, especially my finances. I now have a much greater awareness of trusting people.

Home Group has helped me reduce my debt. With their help I received £900 from the Scottish Power Hardship Fund. I have used this to reduce my energy bill and am up to date with my payments.

I have lots of physical health issues. Home Group has supported me to:

  • Register with a GP closer to my home
  • Supported me with health appointments
  • Liaise with other health professionals

I have carers visiting me every day to make sure I take my medication.

I have also stopped smoking and feel in better health.



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Whether you want to grow your digital skills or are looking for some money advice we can help, and it doesn't cost a penny. 

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