|5 minute read
Managed Migration: moving from Tax Credits to Universal Credit
Written by Herman Khosah, senior marketing executive
The Department of Work and Pensions are asking people who claim Tax Credit, that are not receiving another ‘legacy’ benefit to claim Universal Credit instead. The information below will help you with this:
Wait to receive a Managed Migration notice letter and do not ignore it. Your Tax Credits award will end on this date if you do nothing.
Seek professional benefits advice. There is lots to consider, so you are best seeking advice from a benefits adviser. Benefit calculators do not necessarily tell you the right information if you are moving due to a Migration Notice. So please get advice by contacting our financial inclusion team or Citizen’s Advice.
Prepare to claim. It is important your Universal Credit claim is successful so you do not lose out on additional money because you are being moved to Universal Credit. See page 6 of the Housing System’s Managed Migration booklet for more information on how to claim.
Claim at the right time for you. Making a successful claim at the right time for your circumstances will help you to maximise your income. Our financial inclusion team or Citizen’s Advice will be able help you to make the claim.
To complete your Universal Credit application, you need to:
- Answer questions on the to-do list about your situation
- Confirm your identity
- Book an appointment with your local Jobcentre
- Attend your face-to-face appointment
Check that your statement and payment are correct. Mistakes can be made, it is better to spot these early on. See page 12 of the Housing System’s Managed Migration booklet for more information on how your Universal Credit Award is worked out.
You could request an advance payment. If you will find it difficult to manage while you wait for this first payment, think about requesting an advance payment. You will have to pay this back directly from your monthly Universal Credit along with any overpayments.
You can apply for an advance payment in your online account or through your Jobcentre Plus work coach.
Managing your Universal Credit
It is easier to make your claim for Universal Credit online. You will be able to do the following:
- Check your journal and ‘to-do list’
- Keep a record of the things you have done to prepare or look for work
- Send messages to your work coach and read messages they send you
- Report changes, including childcare payments and earnings from self-employment
- Provide details about a health condition or disabilities
- Check what you have agreed to do in your Claimant Commitment
- Check your Universal Credit payment statements
If you are not able to go online yourself, you can ask friends and family to help you or you can contact our financial inclusion team for help.
We recommend reading the Housing System’s Managed Migration booklet for more in depth information on the processes.