|2 minute read
Dundee regeneration project to tackle housing ‘crisis’

Matt Roberts, PR and media advisor
Almost 50 new homes are planned for Dundee that will help to tackle the city’s “housing supply crisis”.
Delivered by Home in Scotland, the homes will add to more than 200 new build properties already delivered at the Mill O’ Mains residential area.
These homes had been delivered across three previous phases and have helped to increase the number of much needed affordable homes in the city.
Shelter Scotland has previously described Dundee as facing a “housing supply crisis” with several different types of new property needed across the city.
For this reason, the 48 new properties will have a range of homes, including a mix of terraced houses, with larger family homes and townhouses, cottage flats and semi-detached homes.
A block of homes is also planned for the Dundee City Council Health & Social Care Partnership (DHSCP).
Home in Scotland has previously delivered a similar range of homes for DHSCP to operate in Whitfield.
Final approvals around surface water are expected in the coming weeks, with work planned to begin in early March.
The 48 new homes add to a wider investment into affordable housing in Dundee, with Home in Scotland having also delivered a further 21 homes on Pitkerro Road.
Elsa Brailey, Head of Development and Delivery at Home in Scotland said: “We are delighted to be bringing another phase to our Mill O’ Mains regeneration. We know how great the need is for new, high quality affordable homes in Dundee and it’s only right we play our part in delivering those.
“We look forward to working with our partners to get work started as soon as possible and help provide high quality homes to our customers.”